
countdown to day one!

I thought I would make myself and my students a few promises. There's nothing like putting something out in public where everyone can see it to keep you honest, so I'll stick them here.

I promise....
1) I will do my best to keep my classroom organized this year. Every year I get a "little" bit closer to a workable system.
2) I will get enough drivers for us to make our trip to the Museum of Tolerance in LA--I spent all last year pushing for us to go as 8th graders (annoying a few people, I'm sure) so now I have to make it work.
3) I will liven up our Social Studies adoption. The first chapter looks especially painful--I'll have to come up with something quickly.
4) I will help you feel confident as readers and writers.
5) I will get enough sleep. No one likes a cranky teacher!

Only one more day! Hooray!