
august, the month of dreams

I love August. Not for the weather (inland Southern California can be brutal), not for the last month of summer serenity, not even for the fantastic tasting tomatoes that start appearing--I love August because I spend August getting ready for the end of it, for the first few days of school, for my new classes and old familiar friends.

August, for me, encapsulates all of the excitement, hopes, and dreams I have for the next school year. I'm far enough away from the burn-out of June to start pulling out curriculum binders and flipping through lessons plans--improving on them for the year to come and fondly remembering what went on the year before. I've spent July reading up on current research and getting my teacher-researcher brain in gear. I've started seeing advertisements for cheap back to school supplies (a teaching-necessity).

I also love August because I spend time, quietly, getting my classroom ready. These days (weeks...) of introspection center me for the chaos, stress, and revelations that make up the school year. Deep in my heart, I somehow believe that if I set up my classroom just right, I will be able to reach every student who needs me, teach with aplomb and inspiration, and learn beyond my wildest imagination.

By September, I know that no matter the classroom preparation, I won't be able to do everything, reach everyone who needs me, stay as organized as I would like, or even pay enough attention to myself and my needs.

But in August, I can dream.