
thursday thirteen--the fifth!

Thirteen Things Miss S managed to forget over Thanksgiving Break

1. The air conditioning in my classroom (which did NOT work when it was warm)--will always come on full blast when it is 49 degrees outside.
2. I really, really, really love my job.
3. That no matter how much you work over break, the second that school starts up again you will already be behind on the paperwork.
4. The kids miss you.
5. My voice needs a few days to harden up to talking so much--I sounded like a goose on Tuesday! I occasionally honked! Eek!
6. My co-workers are awesome.
7. My principal is awesome.
8. My janitorial staff is beyond awesome. Seriously, they rock!
9. Teaching is tiring.
10. Scholastic book orders are like Christmas once a month.
11. Winter Break is fast approaching.
12. Commas, and other grammatical goodies, are more difficult to teach than ever.
13. The kids are growing up so fast.

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